The applications are made using RStudio‘s package Shiny.
- Andrus Saareste’s “Eesti murdeatlas” (1938/1941). [NB! Currently, the error occurring on the first load can be fixed with mapping text or labels instead of symbols. Note that symbols can only be used for mapping if the number of different variants is < 106.]
- Andrus Saareste’s “Väike eesti murdeatlas” (1955) [Note that symbols can only be used for mapping if the number of different variants is < 106.]
- Feature map for illustrating the distribution of dialectal features (with the option of uploading your own data).
- Combining data from Andrus Saareste’s dialect maps with corresponding data from the Corpus of Estonian Dialects.
- WordCloud based on the frequencies of annotated Part-Of-Speech classes in the Estonian Dialect Corpus.
- A frequency map based on the frequencies of annotated Part-Of-Speech classes in the Estonian Dialect Corpus.
- A quotative frequency map illustrating the frequencies of analytic and synthetic quotative constructions in Estonian dialects.
- Simple Correspondence Analysis illustrating the link between synthetic and analytic phenomena in Estonian dialects.